Oral Cancer Screening
When you come for your routine dental evaluation at our Pembroke Pines dental office, talk to our dentist and get your oral cancer screening done. Our experienced dentists in Pembroke Pines, FL, will conduct a thorough examination to see if there are any precancerous or cancerous signs in your mouth. The main aim behind the screening is to identify oral cancer at an early stage and conduct appropriate treatment before it turns deadly.
When should I get an oral cancer screening?
Ask for an oral cancer screening each time you visit us for your periodic dental exams. You can also come for the test if you have the following symptoms:
- A sore in your oral region that stays for long.
- Red and white patches inside your mouth.
- Tender, numb, and painful mouth or lips.
- Facing difficulties while swallowing, chewing, or speaking.
These can be precancerous signs with deadly consequences. Do not delay visiting us if you notice any of the above symptoms.

Pembroke Pines Group dentists will thoroughly check your mouth and throat to see any cancerous liaisons like red and white patches, lumps, etc. They might also ask you to get additional tests like a biopsy done if they notice abnormal cell growth.
Remember that oral cancer screening is not a preventive measure; it is just a way to identify oral cancer early. If proper treatments are done earlier, oral cancer can be cured entirely. You should immediately rush to our Pembroke Pines dentist office if you notice any patches or lumps in your oral region
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Who are the candidates for oral cancer screening?
Everyone coming for a periodic dental exam should get oral cancer screening to be on the safer side. But if you fall in below categories, you are more prone to get oral cancer and hence should get yourself checked:
- If you have a history of oral cancer
- You consume alcohol or tobacco regularly
- If you remain exposed to the sun for a long time- it can cause lip cancer
- If your doctor recommended getting the screening done
You can find some of the best dentists in Pembroke Pines, FL, at Pembroke Pines Group to perform your oral cancer screening. Your dentist will thoroughly check your mouth during periodic dental exams. But if you have missed a few sessions or feel something unusual inside your mouth, you should go for the screening test right away. The quicker the issues get detected, the higher is the chance of it getting cured without any complications.