All on Four / Six / Eight
Missing teeth can be a huge concern for anyone. Apart from affecting the way your smile looks, missing teeth can hamper your general oral functionalities, including chewing and speaking capabilities. If you are missing one or more teeth, we suggest you contact us at the Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines Group. We have a technically equipped dental office in Pembroke Pines, and our dentists are experienced in giving you the best dental care according to your needs.
What are the advantages of getting the procedure?
The benefits of getting the All on Four / Six / Eight treatment are the same as that of the dental implant, along with an added advantage, which is, the procedure involves the installation of fewer screws (four, six, or eight) for all of your missing teeth.
Common advantages of All on Four / Six / Eight and standard dental implant procedures include:
- It restores your chewing and speaking ability.
- It restores your facial aesthetics.
- They are durable, and with proper maintenance, they can last for a lifetime.
Dental implants are one of the best ways to restore your missing smile. However, if most or all of your teeth are missing, inserting one implant for each tooth can be troublesome and time-consuming. That is why All on Four / Six / Eight dental implants have become so popular. Herein your dentist will insert one implant for many tooth restorations, which will give them the required stability. For example, All on Four implants would consist of four titanium screws that will be inserted into your jaws to hold all of your artificial teeth. It works as the roots for your replacement teeth like a standard dental implant.
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Who are the candidates for this procedure?
Experienced dentists at the Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines would decide if you are ideal for the All on Four / Six / Eight procedure. The treatment is typically suggested to the patients, who are:
- Missing all or most of their teeth
- Wants to undergo complete mouth reconstruction
The All on Four / Six / Eight treatment is also suggested to patients with less jawbone density as conventional dental implants need high jawbone volume for insertion
So do not delay visiting our dental office in Pembroke Pines if you have missing teeth or want to undergo full mouth reconstruction. You can contact us at (954) 639-6998 to book an appointment with our dentists who have years of experience in this field.