Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Bonding
The tooth bonding process includes applying the composite resin similar to your tooth color with the assistance of the adhesives and the curing light of high density. If you have any problems in smiling with confidence, the Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines have the solution coming your way in the form of tooth bonding procedures. The tooth bonding treatment is often an alternative to the amalgam fillings-based cosmetic dental treatments.
Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers are medical-grade thin shells made of ceramic and they are attached to your teeth’s front surface; thus giving you instant smile enhancements. These cosmetic enhancements are different for every person, based on the type of teeth you have. Our dentists Dr. Reynaldo Pita and Dr. Charles Krikorian at the Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines use the veneers for cosmetic corrections
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a self-explanatory process. It helps lighten the natural color of your teeth, making them look whiter and brighter. It also removes discoloration and stains from your teeth. If you feel self-conscious while smiling due to the yellowishness of your teeth, contact us at Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines to get a beautiful white smile in a single visit to our dental office in Pembroke Pines, FL
Smile Design
Leaving behind the traditional dental treatments, fillings are now in much demand based on the huge technology change. Our dentists Dr. Charles Krikorian and Dr. Reynaldo Pita, are extremely careful and vigilant in filling the composite resin. The dental fillings done by our dentists are performed based on the technique and process that they have learned after so much experience and treating numerous patients who keep visiting us at the Dental Specialists on Pembroke Pine.
Smile makeovers
Some people are fortunate enough to have a beautiful and healthy set of teeth. Their teeth are perfectly aligned, uniformly shaped, and sized, with no chips or stains. But most people require some dental treatments for a perfectly brilliant smile. The good news is that today there are a number of smile makeover treatments that can help you improve the appearance of your teeth.
Most people wish they have beautifully aligned teeth and a perfect smile. Misshapen, misaligned, crowded teeth, an improper bite, and spaces between your teeth definitely impact the appearance of your smile. But they also can lead to severe problems later in life. Teeth misalignment problems can be fixed with orthodontic treatments. Orthodontics is the dental specialty that helps correct problems with your bite and the alignment of your teeth.