Scaling and Root Planing

The primary role played by Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) is to perform a deep cleaning of your gingival tissues, i.e., gums, to help you get rid of the inflammations. The most common problems treated under the SRP procedure are removing the plaque and tartar. If our dentists at the Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines find that you are suffering from a severe periodontal disease, you will be given local anesthesia followed by the deep cleaning of your gums and roots.

Scaling and Root Planing are among the most efficient ways of deep cleaning your gums without any surgery. Before suggesting the SRP process, our dentists, Dr. Reynaldo Pita and Dr. Charles Krikorian, will examine your teeth and inform you about the level of oral disease you are suffering from. If you have wide gum pockets, you will have to undergo a deep cleaning procedure to control your gum disease to spread further.

Why Do You Need a Deep Cleaning?

You can take scaling and root planning, i.e., deep cleaning, as the measure to prevent an increasing rate of periodontitis. Following are some of the reasons why our dentists at Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines will suggest you the procedures:

Tooth Protection: This process works harder to protect your gums when the pockets are opened, and plaque or tartar starts to collect in them. The bacterias also start to reside here and act as a catalyst to your oral disease by deteriorating the tooth condition by harming the gum tissue and the jaw bone.

​Disease Safety: Periodontal bacteria have also been found responsible for lung and heart problems. The scaling and root planing stops the growth of bacteria by a deep cleaning of the gums and killing the bacteria before they start to harm you.


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    ​​Better Breath: The bacteria in your mouth make dental pockets, and the food particles get stuck in them. This can make your mouth have a bad odor, which alleviates the bad condition of your gums. The Scaling and Root Planing helps remove these food particles and prevents them from damaging your tooth roots and gums further.

    Who are the candidates for deep cleaning?

    The best candidate for scaling and root planing is someone who is at a high risk of getting gum disease. They should have a significant amount of plaque and tartar on their teeth and gumlines. They also must have periodontal pockets (small pockets formed due to tartar deposition between your gums and teeth) full of tartar, bacterial, and debris. The dental deep cleaning procedure helps you to get rid of all these. Your dentist will check your mouth thoroughly before determining if you need the deep cleaning treatment for your dental issues.

    Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

    Scaling: We will use the dental instruments for removing the tartar or plaque from the gingival, i.e., the ultrasonic scaling tools. If needed, an irrigation process will also be performed as sometimes the bacteria start to reside below the gums; hence an antimicrobial agent is added in the mouth under your gums.

    Root Planing: Herein, our dentists will remove microorganisms or tartar causing your bad oral health. The cementum and the dentin on the surface are removed, followed by the smoothening of the root, so it can heal faster with the help of this deep cleaning procedure.

    If you feel any symptoms of the oral disease, you are suggested not to waste time and come across to have a word with our dentists at Dental Specialists of Pembroke Pines. We ensure that you will be given the best Scaling and Root Planing treatment.